157 – Broken Wing
Pissing Artemis off is usually a sure way to earn an arrow or worse, but Kith is an Elf, and Elves do that shit. P3 is how Artemis sees Kith, P5 is how Dionysus sees Kith. P8 Hey it's the big guy, Zeus! P9 Various forms that Zeus felt were appropriate for seducing women – Bull (Europa), Swan (Leda), Dove (Phthia), Ant (Eurymedousa), Satyr (Antiope), Golden Shower (Danae), and, um, oh my this IS awkward; Artemis (Callisto).
Artemis: You are a horrible annoying little creature!
Dionysus: Arty . . .
Artemis: You SAW what she did!
Kith: I'm an ELF! We do that shit!
Artemis: Look, in these woods I embody goodness, virtue, the portrait of a young goddess at play; dancing in sunlit meadows, wading thru cool streams . . .
Dionysus: Trysting by the pool . . .
Artemis: SHHH!
Artemis: But YOU, you are just a nasty little demon!!
Dionysus: Oh Arty . . .
Artemis: Am I supposed to just overlook her misbehavior?
Dionysus: Yes she IS misbehaving- but remember - Elves want to frolic in the sunshine too, however as a Vampire she cannot. SO she is ALSO . . .
Dionysus: A Demon with a Broken Wing
Artemis: You're just lucky Dion has such a talented tongue!
Kith: He IS quite the SMOOTH TALKER!
Artemis: Yeah, that too!
Kith: Saaaay, Aren't YOU supposed to be a VIRGIN goddess?
Artemis: There was a little misunderstanding . . .
Artemis: Daddy can I have a Unicorn?
Zeus: OK, but you have to promise not to have sex!
Kith: Wait! You thought he meant JUST 'not have sex with the Unicorn ' ? Who even thinks of stuff like that?
Artemis: You obviously don't know about Daddy .
Is it bad form to mention that you have the wrong form of “to” in “not too have sex”?
Thanks for catching that.
Jon wins the “No-Prize” for today!
No matter how many mistakes I catch before I post a few always slip thru.
After I originally posted this I noticed I had somehow turned off Panel 8s’ background and had to correct and re-post it.
A white background looks like a cloudy sky, right?