100 – To ALF-RIDGE

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100 – To ALF-RIDGE
And so the first day of the story comes to an end. G'Star recognizes a good Barding opportunity when she sees it. The “SHI!” sound effects in the last panel are the Elves extending their claws. I chose “Shi” as the SFX because it is the Japanese word for both “4” (the number of claws on each hand) and also the word for “Death” (the purpose of the claws).

Grand-Alf: In order to try and end this vampire curse some of us must remain in this
world and accept that we become ELVANPYRES!

Grand-Alf: West-Ley and I will travel to Alf-Ridge and consult with Sno-Loks at the Great Library of Occultus Magic. He will come up with a plan to lift the Vampire curse!

Grand-Alf: We should tell Captain Nord-Alf to keep only the minimum crew needed to move our Sky City. Now that our Luft-Hexen is unsnarled he can proceed to Alf-Ridge and drop us off there, then take our Sky City to Hyperborea where it can be safely hidden.

Alfin: I wish to stay with our Sky City as one of Nord-Alf's crewmen!
Grand-Alf: Good, that will allow another uninfected Elf to return to Alfheim.

G'Star: Although I am still only a novice sorceress, I wish to join this adventure. Perhaps my Bardic Arts will be of some use.
Grand-Alf: Yes G'Star, you have a great set of skills.

Grand-Alf: TO ALF-RIDGE!!! We shall not rest until we have beaten Odin and Loki in this game of wits!