103 – Vampires Vs Hunters

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103 – Vampires Vs. Hunters
Note on the previously promised “Clothing Damage”: Although you can't see the clothing damage, the slayer look-alike has wet her panties, causing them to be in less than “pristine condition” as a collectible item. ALSO: How can you tell G'Star is important to the story? Because her hair is a bitch to draw!

Grand-Alf: Most Elves have safely returned to Alfheim and ALL the Fairy Rings are now sealed. Only a few Elves like us have remained behind and become Elvanpyres. It is now up to us to figure out how to end this Vampire curse that has befallen us.
G'Star: How was it broken last time?
Grand-Alf: Sno-Loks was there.
Sno-Loks:The gods had contracted with Cthulu's idiot High Priest Nozferklaatu to curse the Elves for our lack of respect.

Sno-Loks: We knew the gods had badly misjudged how seductive vampirism would be to human peoples, so of course we quickly passed the curse onto them too. The Human Vampires soon became so numerous they overran the temples of the gods.

Sno-Loks: The gods became desperate and created a "Vampire Hunter Class" with special abilities, but they were overcome by sheer numbers. The gods had no choice but to revoke the curse. Nozferklaatu was humiliated and exiled.

West-Ley: Well that's it then! We just transfer the Vampire curse to the peoples and the problem solves itself!

Grand-Alf: But this time Nozferklaatu has the curse check for Elvan traits before allowing transmission. Peoples don't have those traits. Without the ability to make Human Vampires I'm not sure what to do!

Sno-Loks: Ha! The Squids are slow and stupid! They can NEVER out-smartify we Elfs!

TOMORROW: The Elvanpyres Strike Back