105 – An Offer They Can't Refuse

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105 – An Offer They Can't Refuse
G'Star got up extra early to make the donuts. Apparently that's what Elves use to bait a Vampire trap for Humans. And Panel 2; isn't that the evil chick from Page 3 Panel 3? Note: That panel contains a hint as to the future storyline (regarding Grand-Alf's question) Also, I think Heinrich is tired from a night of wild sex.

The next morning, Dec. 21, just before sunrise . . .
West-Ley: And so, in conclusion, due to circumstances beyond our control, we would like to put a curse on you.

Karmelita: Yeah, thanks bunches for your GENEROUS offer, but I'm afraid we're going to have to DECLINE.
West-Ley: Awwww . . .Com'on. COM'ON!

Curious Guy: What does the curse do?
West-Ley: Well sunlight will burn you and you'll need to drink blood.
Entire Town: FUCK THAT!!!

West-Ley: But you ALSO get super strength and immortality!
Assorted Townsfolk: “I volunteer!” “Me too!” “Me three!” “I'm in!” “YES!”

Grand-Alf: Look at them all volunteer!
G'Star: I think I see a problem with this plan.
Grand-Alf: Like what?
G'Star: Well, the TOWNSFOLK are doing this because they want the Vampire powers, but WE'RE doing this to END the curse.

G'Star: When they realize we've jerked them around, aren't they going to be super pissed?
Grand-Alf: Maybe so, but who cares? What are they going to do about it?

NEXT WEEK (9/1): The Shortest Day (Their last day as non-Vampires)
IN 2 WEEKS (9/8): The Longest Night (The start of the Vampirification)