90 – Nozferklaatu’s Plan
Yes, Ralf is making his own echo noises.
Odin: I'm thinking about throwing you into the PIT OF HEL! Do you know why it's called a yawning chasm?
Ralf: Because the hole was bored?
Odin: NO! Because it looks like a huge predatory mouth about to EAT you!
Ralf: I like my reason better better better
Loki: I have a cunning plan . . .
Loki: You haven't EVEN heard it!
Odin: I'm going to learn from the past and not let you cause any INCREASE in trouble.
Odin: What about you Nozferklaatu? Do you have any ideas for punishing the Elves?
Nozferklaatu: Allow me to place the Vampire curse on them.
Odin: WHAT?! No way calamari! The last time we used that stupid Vampire curse it came back to bite us!
Nozferklaatu: And because of that FUCK-UP I lost my position as the High Priest of Dreaming Cthulu and was EXILED from R'Lyeh! I MUST RESTORE MY HONOR!
Odin: No.
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